Mania's Muses

Everyone that Mania... well, muses. It's in the title.

These are all best viewed on PC, just so you know. Prepare for slightly wonky-looking pages on mobile.Also, I prefer to write via replies. You don't need to do so, you can reply with QRTs. It's just how I prefer to do things.


An immortal soul that was scattered across the multiverse.

Written over at @Shaetima

> Her first name is pronounced "Shay-tee-muh." Her last name is pronounced "Dess-uh-lore-nn."> Here's her voice claim, which is F!Morgan from Fire Emblem Heroes. It is mostly consistent throughout all of her iterations.

Art Credits

Kudos to all the artists who drew the pictures of Shae I have on these carrds.

Massive thanks to Vida for coming up with the original design of Shaetima. She's the one who brought her to life for the very first time. She's a very good friend of mine and this is just one thing that I will always treasure from her. Thank you so much.> Grimmels
> Adricarra
> slurpn00dles
5. John Caden
> LlamasArePink
> SakuraEgg
> Qiqi
> Angie
10. Wanderstill
> Farhe
> FoxieSkullzArtz
> LameLev
> Cheese
15. Miyagiie
> Ester
> Stario
> FrazzyBear
> Nem
20. ScruffyTurtles
> Eva Viedma
> Starleons
> Novika
> Mist
25. LouLubally
> 호비
> Gigi D
> Randium
> Kura
30. FraudulentTaco
> LightBell
> YaseiPaisley
> Rukisan HD
> TsumiBro


"Verseless" is the primary Shaetima you'll see on the timeline.

The Writer

His name's sort of on the home page.

Thanks for visiting the carrd. I've taken a lot of time to consolidate all of my muse's information in one place.Anyhow, what's up? My name is Mania. When I'm not actively writing, I'm probably reading comics or playing games. I try to reply when I have time/muse, so apologies if I take a while. It is what it is. I'm pretty blunt with how I say things, so don't take it as me being rude.Not much else to add outside of that, so... DM me if you have any questions.NOTE
For any fan art of characters that are not my OC, click on the image to view the source in which the art came from.

Writing Info

Basic Guidelines for all of my accounts.

- Every character I write will be multiship. For my OC, which has multiple variants, each will also be multiship. For all of my characters, I will allow a mainship. I can be persuaded to singleship with any of my characters, just let me know if you want to do that in a DM.- I was born in 2002. I'm sure you can figure out that I'm of the legal age.- Sometimes there may be darker content on my accounts. Depends on what's going on and what I want to do.- OC-Friendly. I kinda write as my own on this website, people.- My timeline (TL) will be as clean as possible. I only have one account for the lewd stuff. DM me if you want it, I guess?